Leveling Up: How HR Leaders Can Make Moves With Modern Leave Management

The impact that HR has on organizational success can no longer be refuted, and yet still, many leaders are faced with roadblocks when it comes to getting recognition for the vital work they do. Advancing in your career is rarely a linear process, but with the perception of HR shifting from a reactive to a… Continue reading Leveling Up: How HR Leaders Can Make Moves With Modern Leave Management

5 Impactful Ways to Leverage Employee Leave Data

Well, would you look at that? It’s a day that ends in “y,” which means it’s a day that HR professionals are being tasked with more responsibilities than ever. From balancing employee well-being, organizational efficiency and everything in between, HR leaders have noticed a shift in perception of their true impact. And it comes with… Continue reading 5 Impactful Ways to Leverage Employee Leave Data

Take Control of the Employee Leave Process with Confidence

Managing employee leaves of absence can sometimes feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle (so we’re told). One minute you’re dealing with an employee’s unexpected family loss, the next, you’re navigating new and complex leave laws, all while trying to keep balance with who’s already on parental leave, who’s on medical leave, and… Continue reading Take Control of the Employee Leave Process with Confidence