How Outsourcing Leave Management Keeps Employee Information Safe

To outsource or not to outsource? That is the question. Well, it’s “a” question at least, but when it comes to keeping employee information safe it’s a question whose answer carries some serious significance. Data security has been an invisible worry humming in the back of the mind of most HR professionals for a long time now, and most are learning that managing leave across outdated systems, spreadsheets and rogue email threads is a risk that they aren’t willing to take.

Outsourcing leave management with solutions like Tilt can help to keep employee information safe by providing a specialized, secure, and compliant system for tracking and managing employee leave. 

Here’s how outsourcing your leave management can help protect employee information and increase your compliance confidence.

Rely on the experts

Leave management service providers like Tilt have, perhaps unsurprisingly (though you would be surprised by others…), specialized expertise in the area of leave management, and offer a unified system that makes security, privacy, and compliance easy. Tilt also has an in-house legal & compliance team who live and breathe leave just for the purpose of supporting HR teams should questions arise. By outsourcing leave management, organizations can benefit from the expertise of the people who know everything about leave and ensure that their employees’ information is being handled in a secure and responsible manner.

Technically sound

Outsourcing leave management gives HR access to cutting-edge technology to manage employee leave, including secure systems for storing and accessing employee information. This provides a safe environment for HR to track and manage employee information without the stress of wondering which email thread housed which important documents.

Relying on in-house systems and Excel spreadsheets that were set up nine HR managers ago is a recipe for data vulnerability, security breaches or data loss. Tilt stores all employee information under one technically tight roof that provides access to HR members who need it while protecting that information from those who have no business seeing it.

Compliance trust and audit confidence

Are you familiar with all of the latest laws and regulations related to employee leave, including data protection and privacy laws? If your answer was somewhere between an audible laugh and a physical cry you are far from alone. By outsourcing your leave management responsibilities to a reputable third party like Tilt, you can ensure that your LOA processes are compliant with relevant regulations and reduce the risk of legal liability. 

Now more than ever HR departments are under the magnifying glass of leadership to ensure the organization’s data ducks are in a row. An outsourced LOA solution like Tilt provides detailed reporting and auditing capabilities, allows you to track employee leave information and ensure that it is being handled securely and responsibly.

V for Vendor Vetting

Outsourcing leave management can help to keep employee information safe by providing specialized expertise, secure technology, compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and auditable processes. Not all vendors are created equally though, so it’s important to thoroughly understand the entire leave management process with any potential vendor. Identifying potential gaps in employee information safety (like third-party file forming) could spell disaster for your employees and your organization.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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