HR Technology of Tomorrow That You Need to Know About Today

Your eye is on the prize. You’re striving to obtain the best and most diverse talent, nurture them to greatness in a flourishing and supportive environment, and reestablish the mindset of what’s possible for your organization’s successes and the people within it.

Seems easy enough…minus the whole “budget” thing and “never having enough time” thing and the “C-suite not truly understanding the value of the work that you do” thing, of course.

The silver lining is that we’re in a technological age that is creating opportunities for HR and People Ops leaders to run their departments more efficiently and economically than ever before. Getting a lay of the technological landscape over the horizon can help put you in a position to not only stay competitive amongst your peers but to be the standard your peers look to as their north star of excellence in your industry.

It should be noted that not all technologies have staying power or are good ideas (we see you Google Glass), and further, not all of these technologies will make sense for you and your organization, but there is still tremendous value in understanding what technologies are out there so you can make the most informed decisions for your organization.

Let’s dive in, but before we do, here’s another note, this time from our legal department: The technologies mentioned on this list do not equate to an endorsement by Tilt. Okay, now onto the list.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Recruitment Actual Intelligence

AI-powered tools that can enhance your hiring process by screening resumes, conducting initial interviews, and even assessing candidates’ soft skills and cultural fit can be an absolute game changer when getting top talent into your organization. This can save a tremendous amount of time and money for your team while ensuring a more efficient and unbiased hiring process. How much scratch are we talking about? Depending on the complexity of the role you might spend upwards of 3x the position’s salary when you factor in both hard costs and soft costs. 

Here are some companies leading the charge:

HireVue: Provides AI-driven video interviews and assessments to streamline the hiring process and identify top talent.

GapJumpers: An AI-powered platform that removes identifying information from resumes to help eliminate unconscious bias in the initial screening process. Also uses blind auditions and skill-based assessments to reduce bias in the hiring process.

Ideal: Uses AI algorithms to screen and shortlist candidates based on specific job requirements.

The new way to manage Leaves of Absence

Great news for any of you who dislike the administrative and compliance complexities surrounding LOA management (we’re guessing that’s pretty much everyone). Technology can automate and humanize the leave of absence experience for your people, freeing up your team’s bandwidth (we’re talking upwards of 10-12 hours every week)\ depending on your LOA requests) and saving money through reducing turnover, discrimination lawsuits, and eliminating clerical errors and overpayments. Bye-bye spreadsheets and leave law Google searches!

Tilt: The leave management solution of tomorrow is here today. Using an easy-to-use, all-in-one platform, Tilt makes managing leaves simple with personalized leave plans, manager education, automated pay adjustments, and step-by-step state benefit application support.

Training via Virtual and Augmented Reality

VR and augmented are changing the way organizations tackle onboarding, training, and development programs. By giving employees the power to participate in realistic simulations through a headset, they’re able to learn and practice the skills required to be successful in their role in a safe and immersive environment.

STRIVR: Specializes in VR training solutions, helping organizations create immersive training experiences for their employees.

Talespin: Develops VR-based simulations for soft skills training and employee development.

Leveraging People Analytics and Predictive HR

It’s been approximately 1,243 buzzwords since “big data” was the hottest buzzword on the block, but that doesn’t mean its importance has waned in the slightest when it comes to how it can be leveraged for HR departments of the future. More and more People Ops leaders are leveraging technologies that rely on big data and analytics to make data-driven decisions and proactively forecast attrition rates, identify high-potential employees, and optimize workforce planning. 

Visier: Provides workforce analytics and planning solutions to help organizations make data-driven HR decisions.

HiBob: HiBob offers resilient, agile technology that wraps all the complexities of HR processes into a game-changing, user-friendly tool that touches every employee across the business.

How Chatbots and Virtual Assistants Can Lend a Digital HR Hand

The future of HR and People Operations are going to steadily rely more on AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants to handle your routine inquiries. No more fielding time off requests, re-sending benefits information to the same employee for the 13th time, and they can even handle policy clarifications for you. Let the bots handle the boring work so you can free up your team for more strategic tasks.

Talla: Builds AI-powered chatbots that assist with HR-related inquiries and employee onboarding.

Engati: Helps HR to deliver unforgettable experiences to build deep, lasting connections within your organization.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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