Proving People Ops Value Through Positive Leave Experiences

Perhaps nothing sums up an employee’s mindset when returning from a leave of absence than the words of our good friend Taylor Swift who says, “Why leave when you can stay, why stay if you have to go.” 

People Team pros who swiftly glance at Ms. Swift’s prose know all too well that when an employee has a negative leave of absence experience that the risk for a drop in engagement and satisfaction increases, leading them to scroll the LinkedIn job boards looking for employment at an organization who might treat them like a human. 

When an employee no longer feels their employer views them like a human, they may feel they have no choice but to work elsewhere. Leveraging empathetic leave management software like Tilt can ensure your employees are getting the support and positive experience they expect from their employer when life happens the hardest.

What organizational value does a positive leave experience have?

A People Team’s impact on an organization is tremendous, yet oftentimes it can be a struggle to prove that value to leadership. Doing so effectively can establish your team as more than an essential role in the day-to-day functioning of your org, but as a department that generates tangible value to the bottom line.

How will a leave management solution like Tilt prove your team provides value? Let’s dive in:

Employee retention: We touched on this above, but a positive leave experience can help increase the overall employee experience at your organization. With that, employees are less likely to walk after taking a leave of absence, meaning retain institutional knowledge and won’t be saddled with the time sucks and cost dumps that are involved with hiring their replacement. 

With Tilt’s platform, we make leave simple and straightforward by giving employees a personalized leave plan outlining exactly what they can expect on their specific leave journey. With Tilt’s Leave Success Managers (LSMs), we make leaves empathetic by giving employees one-to-one support for any questions or concerns that may arise. 

If your team can deliver a positive leave experience, you can demonstrate to leadership how you’re improving employee engagement, productivity and retention.

Avoiding the headlines: As much as leadership values employee retention, they equally value not being in the headlines for discrimination or a botched leave of absence. Tilt’s holistic approach to leave provides a consistent leave experience for all employees, no matter the leave type and no matter the state your employee resides in. 

There’s a reason why one of the most popular subreddits is r/antiwork, and the last thing leadership needs is to see your organization’s name being dragged through the mud. Using Tilt can help ensure that the only headlines you’re appearing in are ones that are heaping praise on managing a leave of absence the right way.

Mitigating compliance risk: When leadership takes a magnifying glass to potential gaps in their compliance, making sure there are no leaks in your leave management processes is critical. The traditional way of managing leaves is rife with potential conversational missteps from managers, private health information exposure, adhering to out-of-date leave laws, a lack of communication of FMLA rights, and inconsistent experiences that can be considered favoritism.

Tilt’s in-house leave law experts ensure that our platform is packing the most up-to-date leave laws, educational materials for managers, automated FMLA designation, a secure file storage system, and a winder to provide People Teams complete visibility into the entire journey.

Want to be a compliance knight in shining armor? Incorporating Tilt will make your leadership team as well as legal and compliance jump for joy.   

Freeing up People Ops Bandwidth: “I can’t wait to spend 20% of my time managing all these leave of absence requests,” – Gary, the non-existent People Ops pro. Leave of absence management is the thorn in many a People Ops’ side. The administrative burden of navigating state benefits programs, educating employees on what to do and managers on what not so say, and answering leave questions you frantically turn to Google to answer followed by prayers that you’re correct.

Get those shoulders ready because they’re about to be free from the heavyweight you’ve been carrying trying to manage LOAs manually or across several outdated systems. By having Tilt manage leaves for you, we do all the dirty work you used to do so you can focus on delivering the impactful initiatives you got into this line of work for. 

With Tilt, you’re free to make the biggest impact possible for your people because you can rest easy knowing your least favorite to-do is being handled by empathetic experts who live and breathe leave.

A better leave experience is good for business

There are no two ways about it, a positive leave experience is a win for your People Team that  demonstrates tremendous value to your organization. Whether it’s improving retention or avoiding leave lawsuits, with leave of absence management by Tilt you’re saving time, money and protecting your org’s reputation all while delivering an incredible experience for your employees. 

Say sayonara to spreadsheets and 1-800 numbers, and say hello to effortless and compassionate leave with Tilt.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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