The Truth About Trusting Leave Management Software

We humans are funny creatures, aren’t we? We spend mental energy convincing ourselves that sticking with what we already know, even if it’s bad for us, might be preferable to trying something new that seems good but is unknown. With the known bad option, we’re familiar with its pitfalls and do our best to manage… Continue reading The Truth About Trusting Leave Management Software

Make Your LOA Partner A Powerful Extension Of Your Team

Why is it so hard to let go of things that no longer serve us? The truth is it’s something we’ve all experienced in life, and it often stems from the fact that the act of “letting go” is difficult when we hold onto beliefs that tell us letting go may cause us some level… Continue reading Make Your LOA Partner A Powerful Extension Of Your Team

Why Internal Leave Practices Now Miss The Mark

It doesn’t take deep diving into behavioral psychology to discuss several factors that contribute to why humans tend to stick to familiar behaviors even when better alternatives are available. Habit formation, cognitive bias, risk aversion, and crushing cognitive overload all contribute to our tendency to stick with the status quo even when doing so may… Continue reading Why Internal Leave Practices Now Miss The Mark