The Leave Lounge: Tilt Blog

Industry insights, news, and resources from your friends at Tilt.

The Ultimate Roadmap To Modernizing Your Leave Management Process

Like a cross-country family car trip or doing your taxes, implementing new HR software can be a complex process that requires careful planning, collaboration, and …

Press Release: Tilt Secures Series B Funding to Expand HR Technology Footprint

Fort Collins, CO – August 27, 2024 – Tilt, the pioneering platform for leave management solutions, is thrilled to announce the successful completion of its …

The United States Leave Law Report Vol. 9

As the year marches onward, we remain dedicated to keeping you updated and well-prepared with the latest in leave law developments. It’s critically important to …

Why L&C Teams Are Desperate For Better LOA Solutions

Desperation [des-puh-rey-shuhn] (noun): The state of mind HR professionals enter when they log into work on a Monday morning to find an employee claiming they’ve …

Getting Legal On HR’s Side To Secure New Leave Software

When it comes to getting software approval, no amount of “pretty please with a cherry on top” emails are going to outweigh the importance of …

HR Tactics That Will Deliver Leave of Absence Compliance At Scale

Leave of absence compliance; all organizations strive for it, and yet so few are able to achieve it with much certainty. Even fewer can do …

Revealing Leave of Absence Compliance Risks You Need to Know

A falling tree in the forest doesn’t make a sound if no one is there to hear it, but it certainly produces sound waves. Similarly, …

Championing Secure Leave Software: How to Partner with Your CIO

Feel that? It’s the connection between employee experience and technology growing stronger by the day. In fact, 49% of employees are now considering leaving companies …

CIOs Are Loving Better Leave Management for Data Security

When your job is to make sure your organization’s digital operations run smoothly while keeping hackers at bay and employee data protected, it can be …