How Better LOA Management Leads to Your Clients Demonstrating Value

It’s always a good idea to find at least one friend who loves nothing more than finding ways to make you shine. As a benefits broker, you field a variety of favors for clients who are seeking your guidance in delivering the best support possible to their employee population while also making their lives easier. 

The brokers who really establish that “gotta-keep-you-in-my-life” bond with their clients do the aforementioned in a way that makes their value to the organization undeniable. This is where leave of absence management comes into play.

What does LOA management look like for your clients today?

One function your clients almost universally struggle with is their leave of absence management. Most have inherited antiquated systems and processes that are confusing to follow, and each leave is a time vacuum to try to track and administer effectively. Add to that the leave laws, which are always changing and are different state to state, and it’s a nightmare to be responsible for.

Oh, that’s actually not all. They also have to navigate managers that are walking compliance risks, always one inappropriate leave-related email away from an employment violation and legal headaches. When an employee is confused about what to do for state benefit programs? They’ve gotta help their employees through that too. They’re also trying to coordinate with payroll who time and again can’t make the pay calculations add up based on a Google Sheet that requires manual updates when elements of a leave changes.

Needless to say, in their day-to-day world, leave of absence management is just about as high up on your clients’ “Least Favorite To-Dos” list as it gets.

How Good LOA Management Solutions Are a Boon for Benefits Brokers

Modern LOA management solutions, like Tilt, can make you an indispensable ally for your clients. Tilt not only manages your client’s leaves, but does so in a way that increases employee satisfaction and retention rates, reduces compliance risks, eliminates payroll overpayments, makes capitalizing on state benefits programs easy, and offloads all of the administrative burdens of managing a leave while delivering empathetic, 1-1 human support to their employee population.

For all the hard work employees do for their organization, an employee should feel supported when they need to take a leave of absence to take care of whatever major life event is happening. Making that process as easy and human as possible is essential to maintaining a happy employee population and is of critical importance to People Ops professionals no matter the size of the company or industry. The cost of getting it wrong and finding a replacement employee goes well beyond the dollars and cents. Their’s recruiting efforts, production impacts, and the loss of institutional knowledge as well.

Yes, it’s the human thing to do, but keeping one employee happy on a leave can also save an organization some serious cash and your clients will love you for it.

Another way your clients will shine in the eyes of leadership with Tilt is by mitigating compliance risks. We have a team of leave law experts who are absolutely obsessed with leave law. We don’t get it either, but we love ‘em and are glad they’re with us. This means our platform is always current on the latest leave laws and state benefit programs so your clients can rest assured their employees are being guided through the process efficiently, correctly and compliantly.

Payroll, payroll, payroll. Tilt makes payroll easy by automating pay adjustments when leave dates or pay rates change. Payroll gets access to our platform as well so your clients don’t have to tabulate squat. No more accidental overpayments to employees which can be very costly indeed.

State benefits is another major headache for People Ops that when taken care of by Tilt ensures their employees are guided every step of the way, and are even reminded of important filing dates. When they have questions they come to Tilt, not your client. This means that organizations that were previously just paying 100% of their employees leave, now have an easy way for the employer to offset those costs without your clients having to lift a finger.

Strengthen your bond with Tilt

By offering Tilt to your clients, you’re telling them, “Here, let me douse those flames from your LOA dumpster fire…and while Tilt does that you’ll be saving your company bags of money while mitigating compliance risks in the process.” Do that, and you’re now the indispensable work friend (still counts as a friend, right? Asking for a…work friend) making their lives easier while finding ways to help them demonstrate massive value in the eyes of their organization.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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