How Outsourcing Leave of Absence Tracking Unlocks Your Team’s Potential



Yeah…40. And for some of you out there reading this, 40 might be a bit low. No, 40 isn’t just the number of years it’s been since Michael Jackson moonwalked or the introduction of the A-Team to prime-time TV (remember when that was a thing?), the 40 we’re talking about is the percentage of time People Ops and HR teams spend on manual, administrative tasks.

Oh, heck no.

Whether it’s fast and furiously fielding employee questions flooding your inbox, or entering (and re-entering) employee data from one system to another, manual tasks can bog down the most efficient People Ops and HR teams and as far as we’re concerned, those tasks can bugger right off.

At Tilt, we understand that the more time your team spends on manual and repetitive tasks, the less time they have to focus on impactful work your team actually cares about. That’s why by letting Tilt manage one of the biggest administrative burdens on your “to-boo list,” you can help ensure your team stays engaged with the work they love which will help your team maximize its potential.

“We really feel we can leave our leaves in the hands of Tilt and they will manage from start to return. We spend way less time tracking down and determining eligibility and what is needed for a leave and I imagine anywhere between 8-10 hours a week have been saved when we transitioned to Tilt, which has been the biggest benefit to our time management goals.” – Sr. Benefits Manager @ Leading Small Business Insurance Organization

How Tilt manages your leave of absence tracking

Once upon a time leave of absence tracking required manually updating a mess of spreadsheets and checking in with employees and trying to figure out how changing leave dates impacted payroll. You might be thinking to yourself, “Once upon a time? You’re literally describing my nightmare that is LOA tracking today.”

If you’re stuck in spreadsheet purgatory with every leave request that crosses your inbox you aren’t alone, but the good news is your leave tracking legacy systems (is Excel really a “system”?) can be a thing of the past with Tilt.

Go ahead, take our platform for a spin here.

From comprehensive leave plans to state benefit enrollment support to pay calculations that adjust on the fly and more, Tilt manages all aspects of a leave and turns your manual administrative headaches into automated LOA bliss.

Unlock your team’s potential with Tilt

“Tilt is life-changing. No more dreading when someone goes on leave. No more researching each state to know what is provided. No more spreadsheets! No more answering questions I’m not really sure about. No more keeping track of employees’ return dates. No more having to keep managers updated.” – SR. HR Ops Manager @ Top Benefits Admin Software Organization

When Tilt manages your leaves of absence tracking, you can turn your team’s “if only we had more time” into “look at what we can do with all this time!” Get your team the gift of Tilt and free them from administrative burdens surrounding leaves once and for all. Tilt’s empathetic tech solution makes managing leaves easy, keeps you compliant, and delivers a warm hug and a helpful hand to your employees in their time of need.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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