HR Best Practices: How to Ditch the FMLA Tracking Spreadsheet

Some days the temptation to just drag that FMLA tracking spreadsheet of yours right into the trash bin and delete it from your life forever is overwhelming. While there are a zillion compliance reasons why we implore you not to do that, we also understand how maddeningly frustrating spreadsheets can be to manage FMLA leave. 

HR leaders are looking for ways to free themselves from the burden of manually tracking FMLA, because not only are spreadsheets time-consuming to maintain, they are also rife with compliance risks as we outline here

Modern tech solutions like Tilt allow you to ditch the spreadsheet and get back to focusing on the work you actually enjoy doing without worrying about FMLA woes. The time saved, compliance risks averted, and empathetic employee support provided make your spreadsheet nightmares a thing of the past.

Here’s the new way to track FMLA.

Eliminate FMLA Tracking Spreadsheets

From Tilt’s HR dashboard, you can see all active leaves currently being taken within your organization, as well as who is and who isn’t FMLA eligible. From there, you can easily see how many FMLA hours have been used by any of your employees in real-time.

HR Dashboard
Automatic FMLA Hour Tracker

Managing FMLA isn’t only about keeping track of FMLA hours, you also need insight into start and stop dates and how FMLA potentially overlaps with benefits and other leave entitlements your employees might be eligible for. From the same portal, you can click into each individual plan where we provide a leave map outlining the leave dates covered by FMLA, state leave law and benefit programs, company policies, STD/LTD policies and ADA.

Real-Time Leave Map

Tilt’s platform removes the potential for manual data entry errors which can lead to misuse of FMLA hours and serious compliance risks. By automating the FMLA tracking process for you, we take your least favorite to-do off your overworked shoulders.

FMLA Process Documentation Without Spreadsheets

Speaking of the FMLA process, tracking FMLA is more than just monitoring dates and keeping tabs on hours, though those are critical components that spreadsheets make annoying to do accurately. Tilt makes the process for both the employer and the employer easy by outlining exactly what needs to be done throughout the journey for all parties involved. Each leave plan is customized for your employee, and walks them through the required FMLA steps.

FMLA Tracking - Personalized Leave Plans

From educating them on their rights and responsibilities to verifying and collecting the appropriate med certs, Tilt’s platform safely and securely ensures all aspects of your employee’s FMLA leave are accurately tracked and managed in one place. Since some requirements are timely in nature, our merry band of Leave Success Managers (AKA Empathy Warriors) even notify employees for you when important deadlines are approaching.

The New Way to Track and Manage FMLA

We know breakups can be difficult. You’ve probably spent hours, days, even decades in those spreadsheets trying to fix broken equations or compare a duplicate file someone else made 3 months ago and has been updating separately. But with Tilt, your best FMLA days are ahead of you, because when Tilt manages your leaves, you can live your best life and focus your time and energy on supporting your employees in the ways that truly matter. Leave the FMLA to us.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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