The Leave Lounge: Tilt Blog

Industry insights, news, and resources from your friends at Tilt.

Spreadsheets and Soft Skills: How Tilt Replaces One and Boosts the Other

We wanted to take this opportunity to issue a sincere, but not-so-formal apology to spreadsheets. There are some spreadsheets out there that do tremendous work …

Top 7 HR Productivity Killers to Avoid

Do you ever sit and ask yourself, “Why would I spend 5 minutes doing a work task when it could bog down a full hour …

How Leveraging Tilt Eases Stress When Hiring is Slow

Whether you’re struggling to find talent or struggling to find budget, a slow-down in hiring can have frustrating ramifications for an HR department. If you’re …

HR Teams Are Smaller Than Planned…Now What?

“Every HR department has a headcount plan until their budget gets punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson…if he was in HR…probably. From large organizations …

How Tilt Supports Managing Mental Health Leaves

Disclaimer: For the sake of this article, it should be noted that when we refer to “mental health leaves” we are talking about employees taking …

Tilt Recap: The 6 LOA Trends That Defined 2022

From leave law advocacy to remote workforces to mental health, 2022 can be summarized as a continuing shift towards a more human approach to leave …

7 Signs an Employee Needs Mental Health Leave

The subject of mental health and its relationship with the way we work is ever-present in the media headlines. A softened stance around hardened hearts …

How Tilt’s Empathy Warriors Keep LOAs Running Smoothly

Those who know Tilt know we do things just a little bit differently around here. Like most tech companies, we’re driven by providing the most …

How Leave Management Can Reduce Employee Attrition and Turnover Costs

In the working world (is there any other world?), employee attrition can be defined as the departure of employees from your company regardless of the …