Paperwork Schmaperwork: Put People First and Shred Your Admin Blues

Apologies to all the Dunder Mifflin shareholders out there, but it’s 2023, so when we’re talking about eliminating paperwork we aren’t only talking about physical pieces of paper (remember those?) but also the vast expanse of digital forms, documents and spreadsheets that need to be administered, monitored and managed.

Doing all of that manual work effectively comes at the expense of efficiency, and when efficiency gets sacrificed it means less time you and your team can spend on initiatives you’re truly passionate about that can benefit your people. Not only that, clunky processes do more than slow down your workflow and provide a bad experience for your employee population, but a bad employee experience can also have a negative effect on your org’s bottom line.

Why automation is HR’s new best friend

Mileage may vary, but automating your manual tasks has the potential to save HR and People Ops leaders hours, if not days, of administrative work each week. If that’s not enough to meet your “bestie” criteria (we have high standards too), automating your manual tasks also reduces clerical errors, improves consistency in your employee support, consolidates disjointed systems, enables opportunities for employees to self-serve and also empowers them to get the information they may need faster, all while freeing up your time to do literally anything else.

If that still doesn’t meet your “bestie” criteria it’s possible that your standards might be needing a reevaluation…not that we’d ever tell you how to live your life.

What to look for in tools that remove admin burdens?

Freeing yourself from administrative tasks can be a bit like whack-a-mole if you aren’t careful. A tool might do a wonderful job at solving one specific problem, but have a tendency to create new problems you didn’t anticipate. Will the solution scale as you grow? Perhaps the user experience is so bad it ends up actually causing more administrative work than it takes off your plate. Or maybe it gets the job done but creates unforeseen compliance risks (we see this a lot in the leave of absence space).

When evaluating tools that should make your life easier and in turn the lives of your employee population better, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Does the tool align with our business needs?
  • Is the tool easy to use?
  • Can the tool integrate easily?
  • Does the tool replace a spreadsheet?
  • Is the vendor reputable?
  • Do they keep our data secure?
  • What does the future version of the tool promise?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How much does it save?

Administrative tasks are the bane of any HR team. They can negatively impact the work experience for your employees and suck the life out of the enthusiasm your team once had. 60% of American workers say they want to do work that aligns with their values, and by reducing administrative burdens you can free your people up to do exactly that.

What’s on your work initiative wishlist?

By ditching manual paperwork and updating spreadsheets you’d be amazed at just how much time in your day you suddenly find yourself with. Which project will you work on first? An employee celebration? Improving your onboarding experience? Developing a health and wellness program? With automation your least favorite to-dos can be a thing of the past, so get with the right technologies to reduce your pain points and put your team in a position to put people first.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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