Savvy Resource Management Turns You into a People Ops Superhero

The term “superhero” has been bandied about with so much regularity these days that it’s almost lost its luster. But since it hasn’t lost its luster entirely we thought there was enough gas in the trope tank to convince you that with the right approach to resource management, you could indeed earn the superhero monicker in the workplace; no costumes or flying required.

We could debate what makes the characteristics of a true superhero, but for the sake of not wanting to start any internet beef with uber-superhero fans (think of the engagement metrics though…) let’s all agree that some of the many superhero qualities are: possessing special abilities, having an optimistic vision of the future, being empathetic, having a strong moral code, and being tolerant to pain would be pretty nice too.

For any of you that have been in the biz for a while, perhaps being tolerant to pain is your greatest superpower of them all. So let’s slap on some spandex and dive into how being smart with your resources can make your team soar to new heights because as budgets get looked at under the magnifying glass, getting it wrong could be catastrophic.

Why is resource management so important?

It’s possible you work for an organization that seemingly prints money, or the more likely alternative, lights it on fire (or even more likely…holds onto what little it has with a death grip). Regardless of which applies to your situation, it’s important for People Ops pros to be savvy with your given resources to demonstrate you can operate efficiently within budgetary constraints, align the right people with the right roles, plan for future workforce needs, foster employee development and engagement, ensure compliance with regulations, and mitigate compliance risks.

All of this contributes to the overall success of your team and aids in influencing its perception within your organization as it pertains to achieving strategic objectives. When the C-suite is up against it, they know they can count on you to swoop in and save the day.

How to get superhero savvy with resource management

Your special ability lies in the fact that your organization trusts you above anyone else to understand and execute the many complicated People Ops functions. Your leadership team has its own superpowers, of course, but they’re counting on you to deliver on everything from efficient and empathetic leave of absence management to workforce planning to employee development.

You also have a vision for the future of your organization that leadership simply is too high up to see. You’re the eyes, ears and hearts of your organization, and it’s up to you to evaluate and communicate exactly what resources need to be allocated where in order to make that vision happen. By allocating resources to initiatives such as recognition programs, wellness initiatives, and work-life balance programs, for example, you can help foster a culture that leads to improved productivity, higher retention rates, and positive work culture. 

If those objectives above sound like a lot of your company objectives, manage your resources accordingly and dedicate what you have at your disposal to meet those objectives to the best of your special ability. 

Superheroes also tend to be empathetic, and there’s a good chance that if you were drawn to the People Ops profession in the first place you are as well (for the jaded folks out there, we get you…try to remember a time when this was the case maybe?). When empathy is at the forefront of your resource decision making you can be assured that the time, money and effort being spent will always be for the greater good of your organization.

Superheroes face adversity and you will too

Easier said than done, right? You aren’t operating in a fantasy world, you’re operating in the real world. Managing resources isn’t always easy otherwise we wouldn’t be writing this blog. There are obstacles and egos and bureaucracy (oh my!) that are going to get in your way. This is where having a strong moral code becomes important. You’re the expert and you know what’s best for your organization.

If you evaluate the goals you’re hoping to accomplish and determine that it would take an actual superheroic feat given your resources, it’s important to have a clear picture of what you can achieve and then articulate it to leadership clearly.

One of the most pervasive themes of a superhero story is having to make tough choices, and that’s where the prioritization of your resources comes into play. How will you prioritize what you and your team accomplish if you can’t accomplish it all? It might mean making the tough choice to replace legacy systems with new ones that are more effective and save you time and money so you can allocate bandwidth and budget to other projects.

It might also mean standing your ground when facing the boss and being honest about what you really need to push your organization forward.

In the end, by maximizing the use of available resources you can drive success and contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization to the best of your superhero ability.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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