Advice For Your Clients Worried About Managing All Leave Types

In the world of leave of absence management, it’s more important than ever that one size, or more specifically one software, fits all. 

Developing comprehensive leave plans and administering them consistently with existing systems and processes has increasingly become the nightmare fuel keeping HR and People Ops leaders up at night.

When a leave of absence starts as a standard parental leave and tragically transitions to a bereavement leave, even the most empathetic HR teams likely don’t have the expertise or tools at their disposal to give the employees exactly what they need.

When an employee took a leave of absence in Los Angeles and received paid leave from the state, but won’t this time around because they live in Phoenix, how equipped are HR teams to handle pay in a situation like this?

Of course, HR professionals today have many more leave types to manage than the common ones like parental, medical, or caregiving. They may also have to navigate mental health leaves (which have doubled since COVID), military leave, lost pregnancy leave, firefighter leave (yes, that exists too) and more.

There’s a reason why the percentage of employers seeking help from leave experts to manage leaves has doubled in the last decade according to a recent report by Guardian.

Image via: Guardian

When it comes to managing all leave types and doing so effectively, however, not all solutions are created equal.

Why is this?

Why HR Teams Today Struggle to Manage All Leave Types

It’s well known that leave laws are evolving and maturing over time, but new ones are also regularly popping up all over the country. This means your clients who sit in Denver are responsible for knowing what leave programs apply to their employees in New York City.

Beyond that, employers are developing more robust leave policies year over year in an effort to emphasize employee well-being and stay competitive in the talent acquisition and retention game. 

If that weren’t enough, and your clients perhaps wish it were, leave requests are on the rise across the country.

The combination of complexified leave laws, robust leave policies, and an increase in employees taking them has HR and People Ops pros searching for a way to manage it all efficiently and compliantly.

If your HR clients are worried about managing all their employee leaves, no matter the leave type, there’s a good chance they’re currently managing them in one of the following ways:

  • Manually through a cocktail of spreadsheets, Google Drive folders, their short-term disability carrier, and their HRIS.
  • Utilizing a carrier to try and handle all leave types
  • A 3rd-party vendor that isn’t an expert on everything leave, doesn’t provide human support so employees are left in the dark, doesn’t provide a tech platform so HR is left in the dark, or a combination of all three.

Leaves of absence are a complicated mess by nature. This is partially because they’re typically requested when a significant human event occurs in an employee’s life, and significant human events are rarely neat and orderly. As alluded to above, they’re also a complicated mess because the rules and regulations employees have to adhere to are also rarely neat and orderly.

So if your clients are worried about administering and managing all employee leaves of absence, here’s how you can help them achieve the LOA ease they’re so desperately seeking.

What HR Teams Can Use To Manage All Leave Types

In the world of leave of absence management, it’s more important than ever that one size, or more specifically one software, fits all

Tilt’s approach to leave management leaves no stone unturned when it comes to providing a seamless LOA experience for HR teams and employees alike regardless of leave type.

Tilt’s customizable software allows HR and People Ops teams the flexibility to consistently support every type of leave their organization might provide. 

That means if your client offers employees everything from a standard caregiver leave to a pet bereavement leave (yes, that also exists), Tilt is able to provide consistent and comprehensive employee leave plans with complete visibility for your clients without them having to lift a finger.

Curious about what the experience looks like for your clients? Have a look yourself:

As for those complex and ever-evolving leave laws, Tilt’s team of in-house leave law experts stay informed on the latest developments across the country so that your clients don’t have to.  

Whether Kentucky’s governor passes a new voluntary Paid Family and Medical Leave bill (which just happened) or New Mexico’s PFML bill passed the Senate but narrowly failed in the House on a 34-36 vote (which also just happened), Tilt’s software factors it all into account so instead of late-night Google searches for laws in states your clients have never stepped foot in, Tilt simply takes care of it.

Every current leave law is built into Tilt’s platform, which provides customizable and consistent leave plans to every employee, tracks every employee leave your client has to manage across the organization across the country, provides pay calculations to the employee and payroll so there are no surprises, and gives even the employee’s manager a window into the leave so every stakeholder is on the same page to keep operations running smoothly throughout the leave journey.

Just like not all leave solutions are created equal, all leaves aren’t created equal.

An employee taking a standard parental leave may (or may not) have fewer questions and concerns than an employee taking an intermittent caregiver leave.

The right leave management solution for your clients should go beyond technology and consider the human element of any given leave by providing human support for their employee population when they need it most. 

“The stories that hit me the hardest are when you have the loss of a pregnancy or the loss of a newborn baby and those parental leaves turn into bereavement leaves,” said Tilt CEO Jen Henderson in a recent episode of the Modern People Leaders Podcast. “Often employers have absolutely no idea what to do with that, how to support that, how to navigate it, how to put it into their system. Moments like that are not a time for technology, they are the time for Tilt’s Leave Success Managers, who we call ‘Empathy Warriors,’ to get on a phone call and provide human-to-human, heart-to-heart support.”

Tilt is the only solution that seamlessly blends the sophistication of modern automation technology with the empathy of a human heart, meaning your clients finally have the right tool to manage every leave type worry-free, every time.

About Tilt

Tilt is leading the charge in all things leave of absence management through easy-to-use tech and human touch. Since 2017, our proprietary platform and Empathy Warriors have been helping customers make leave not suck by eliminating administrative burdens, keeping companies compliant, and providing a truly positive and supportive leave of absence experience for their people.

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